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The Pleasure of Healing

Book: The Pleasure of Healing



The Pleasure of Healing creates sacred space through the art of hospitality. A place where you are received with a warm welcome and given soul nourishment.


The Pleasure of Healing creates community through heartfelt conversations, nurturing women in coming home to themselves.


My mother has always played a lead role in my story. It has taken a lifetime to untangle threads. It wasn’t until her death that I felt free to look at it all. Free to not protect her or me. I wanted to be done with my story, bury it beside my mother’s grave. Yet to move beyond it, I had to go through it. Writing it down, forced my hand and my heart to stay with the story to the end and then rewrite it. Take what I want to keep and leave the rest. Staying with the pieces and gathering them, I gathered myself. There is creative power in pain. Crafting a new narrative, our wounds become the womb where we learn to love ourselves.


Yvonne is an author, artist and creative leader. A certified Spiritual Director with nearly three decades of lived experience in home and hospitality. Yvonne’s soulful work infuses wisdom with practical guidance. Through her writings, teachings and workshops, she invites a sense of beauty in the ordinary, seeing the natural world with fresh eyes.

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